About Vision Poems

“Giving those who have retreated into the darkness, a chance to embrace the light.”

Vision Poems is a website has been developed by poetry writer Luke Cyr to help people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other mental illnesses.

This website is part of a personal journey by Luke Cyr.  Luke said, “The journey that I have taken on is to do whatever I can to help the charities that have helped me, in their efforts to save the lives of others.” Far too often we lose loved ones, quietly and without warning.

Mental health issues affect many people and are often difficult to diagnose.  Unlike a wound that requires stitches, or a broken bone that requires a cast, mental health issues go unrecognized far too often.  In many sad cases by the time others realize there is a mental health issue with a loved one, it is too late.  Luke knew that he had to do something, then wondered, “How could I help?”  Ever since that moment, the idea of using his poetry to save others grew within Luke’s mind.

Luke became determined to use the Internet and focus on reaching out to the world for help, so that he could achieve his goal.  The result of that determination is the VisionPoems.com website you are now viewing. The poetry that you find on this website was written by Luke on his personal journey.

Luke said, “I became motivated to do all that I could, and find a way to give someone who is suffering in silence the same chance at a better life that I was lucky enough to receive.”

Luke’s story is one of sadness.  He said, “I slowly gave up on life and truthfully, I shouldn’t be here today. I embraced the darkness, then allowed my healthy lifestyle to rot away.  Fortunately I found help, and I was able to recover. I couldn’t have done it alone and thanks to the resources made available to me, I received the help I needed to get through my struggles.”

Between the Robbie Dean Centre and the Caddie School for Soldiers, Luke was able to start his recovery process and move forward; hence, both of those organizations are the beneficiaries of Luke’s fundraising efforts on this website. Luke said, “These organizations truly gave me a second chance at life. Though difficult, it wasn’t a journey I took alone.”

Those who are suffering need assistance to get back to where they know peace and joy. Luke said, “So easily we fall into the trap of the caring caress of darkness – forgetting how rewarding the light is.” By making a donation on this website, you will help to fund the agencies that helped Luke, so they can continue to provide the services needed to help those that find themselves in that dark place. Luke said, “Please join me in giving hope to those like me; to give them a chance to survive, and return to us from the darkness.”